Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week #2 Sunday


Roman 3-4


Matthew 3 and 4
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Both John and Jesus preached repentance.
Compare the way they preached and comment on their differences and their similarities.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week #2 Thursday

Feb. 10th, 2011

Job 3-4

Worship Him!

Psalms 3-5
I recognized two songs that we have sung in church from the scripture I just read.
The first one is "Thou Oh Lord art a shield about me".
The second is "Give ear to my words Oh Lord".
Do you recognized them?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week #2 Wednesday

Feb. 9th, 2011

Psalms 3-5

Encourage someone to read the bible in a year with you. : )

From Slaves to Conquers.

Joshua 6-10

Isn't awesome how God can bring mire men from a state of slavery and abuse to a place of victory as a warriors, all for His own Glory.  Although the first generation still had the mind set of slaves, even though they were set free, the following generation was born into freedom and they were able to believe God for the impossible.  This new generation, that was sold out to live righteously before God, where able to be used by God to conquer about 31 kingdoms and kings. Now that is awesome! From slaves to conquers. Not over night mind you.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week #2 Tuesday

Feb. 8th, 2011
Joshua 6-10

Man goes his own sinful way.

Gensis 4-7

In Gensis 4, Cain goes his own sinful way when he kills his brother.
Gensis 5, tells about the generation from Adam to Noah.
Gensis 6, this time we hear about mankind going their own sinful way.
Gensis 7, we read about the flood that cleanse the world from sin.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week #2 Monday

Feb. 7th, 2011
Gensis 4-7

Just so you have little direction of how we will be reading the bible, let me break it down for you.
Mon. -----The Law
Tues. -----History
Wed. -----Psalms
Thurs. ----Poetry
Fri. -------Prophecy
Sat. ------Gospels
Sun. ------Epistles
If you would like to print out the templete I'll be following just go to:

Judge not others, lest you be judged.

Matthew 1-2

In Matthew 1, the Word is telling us to preach to word. In Matthew 2, The Word is telling us not judge others or we will be judged. We are called to share the gospel and we can't share it with others if we are busy judging them.  Telling me what you got out of Matthew 1-2.  

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week #1 Sunday

Feb. 6th, 2011
Romans 1-2

Here's an excellent place to get insight into the scriptures.


Matthew 1-2

In Matthew 2, how many prophecies do you read that are fulfilled?  I counted about 4, but is there more?

Week #1 Saturday

Feb. 5th, 2011
Matthew Chapter 1-2

Here's an excellent place to get insight into the scriptures.

"Here I am send me."

Isaiah Chapter 1-6

I first read Isaiah Chapter 1-6, then I read *The King James Study Bible and I was able to understand the connection between Isaiah's name and his calling. After you read it make a comment about your understanding.

*"Isaiah, the son of Amoz, was one of the most prominent citizens of Jerusalem, having access to both the royal and priestly leadership of the nation of Judah. His Hebrew name Yesha-Yahu, means 'Yahweh is Salvation'. The significance of his name is revealed in his prophetic ministry, because he came on the scene of Judah's history at a time when it was of the utmost importance for the people to realize that salvation was of the Lord, and not merely by human efforts. Isaiah found himself standing against the threat of Assyria's rising imperialism and the emergence of a spirit of universalism which began to turn the chosen people from the Lord."
The King James Study Bible Copyright 1988 by Liberty University

Here is a question for you. In Isaiah 1-6, "Here I am send me" is found in which chapter and verse.?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week #1 Friday

Feb. 4, 2011
Isaiah Chapter 1-6

Here's an excellent place to get insight into the scriptures.

Holding on to integrity

The book of Job is named after its main character. The English name, Job, comes from the Latin Iob, which was translated from Hebrew Iyob. We don't really know what "Job" means and its author unknown as well.

How could Job suffer so much and still hold on to his integrity?  He must have had an insight or an understanding of God's grace that no one else had. The thing I find amazing about these two chapters, is that God knew Job so well that He knew exactly how Job would respond.

I believe God knows us (know our hearts) so well that he knows exactly how we would react to blessing and/or to trials.  What Job experienced was way beyond what we would call a trial. His experienced a series of devestations.

Did you notice how God reacted in Chapt.2 vs.3? He said, "...and still he holds fast his integrity...".  God sounds impressed and happy that no matter what Job has gone through his integrity is in tact.
When Job holds on to his integrity it means that he is still whole. To be whole is a spiritual completeness. Job suffered much physically yet keep himself spiritually in tact.

I pray that when blessing or trials (in Job case devestations) come we will hold fast to our integrity with God.  Did you notice I said blessing beside trials?  Yes, because sometimes people will receive blessings and they allow the blessing to become a cursing and they loose  their integrity (their spiritual wholeness) with God.

Comment and tell me what you got out of Job chapter 1 and 2.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week #1 Thursday

Feb. 3rd, 2011
Job 1-2

Here's an excellent place to get insight into the scriptures.

God Blesses

My comment about Psalms 1-2
I love it when God promises us blessings if we live in righteousness. 

If we walk in righteousness He will carry us through.
    Author: A.B. Simpson

Here's an excellent place to get insight into the scriptures.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week #1 Wed.

Feb. 2, 2011
Read Psalms 1-2
Happy Reading : )

The enemies' hearts melt!

Could you image it. The ark of the covent being carried by the priest and as soon as their feet touched the Jordan the waters moved out of the way just like the Red Sea when it parted.  The enemy was terrified they knew they where up against the power of the Almighty God.
I think many times we give the enemy too much credit when we should be in awe of what Our God Almighty can do on our behalf.
I have a question for you.  Why do you think the Lord asked for that second circumcision? What would be the purpose?
Post your comment you have 5 chapters worth of information.